Planning Applications &
​We take the strain off busy clerks and increase
the likelihood of success by making effective
representations on planning applications
and appeals.
Local Plans &
Neighbourhood Plans
We help local councils to engage effectively with emerging Local Plans and other planning authority documents and to prepare Neighbourhood Plans and Neighbourhood Priority Statements.
Design Codes &Â Â
Character Appraisals
We have produced design codes, design guidance and area character appraisals for historic market towns, parishes and villages for over a decade. Our latest codes follow the principles of the national model design code.
Council Land &
We help local councils to review their land and property assets to identify the potential to deliver new community value and to make the most efficient operating use of those assets.
Landowners, Developers & Agents
We offer landowners, developers and agents a complete package of services to secure planning permission for high quality, viable schemes.
Current Projects Map
This map shows the wide range and distribution of our live projects as at March 2024. There are nearly 200 more past projects of all types that are not shown.
For an accessible version of this map, please contact the ONH office
NP Neighbourhood Plan
NPR Neighbourhood Plan Review
NDO Neighbourhood Development Order
DC Design Code
PA Planning Application or Appeal reps
LPR Local Plan reps
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment